The Scoop on the Collgen Craze

First and foremost, supplements of any kind are meant to supplement! They're not a substitute or replacement for a nourishing diet or healthy lifestyle.

Nowwwww that that's out of the way...on to the collagen.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It helps make tissues resilient and elastic. As we age our bodies make less and less collagen. An unhealthy lifestyle can also decrease collagen production.

Collagen as an ingredient first popped onto the scene in anti-aging elixirs. You can now purchase collagen supplements in powder and capsule form.

The most popular and well-researched collagen supplements are sourced from cows (bovine collagen). Not into red meat? Fish-derived collagen is gaining traction and showing promising results. Not into animal products? There are a few vegan-friendly collagen options...though studies on efficacy are extremely limited.

Are there any foods that contain collagen? Yes. Tough cuts of meat, bone broth and gelatin. Not so appetizing? Keep reading.

What can I eat to boost natural collagen production? High protein foods may enhance collagen production. Foods containing vitamin C and zinc may also enhance collagen production.

High protein foods: meats, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy and soy products

Foods containing vitamin C: strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes and leafy greens

Foods containing zinc: nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains

Healthy habits that may also increase collagen production? Limiting sun exposure, avoiding second-hand smoking, smoking cessation, adequate sleep and stress management.

Have you tried a collagen supplement? Did you see the benefit- yay or nay?

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